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Construction concept of intelligent warehouse management (WMS) system

In 2013, Germany put forward the fourth industrial revolution and the rise of industry 4.0. China also put forward the idea of made in China 2025 for the development of

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WMS Warehouse Management System features

WMS generally has the following functional modules: management of individual order processing and inventory control, basic information management, cargo logistics management, information report, receipt management, picking management, inventory management, stock transfer management, print management and background service system.

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How to set the barcode scanner to achieve the best effect 2021?

Why is the scanning effect of the scanner just bought not good, the quality of the scanner is not good, or where the scanner fails. Today, Shenzhen Yacheng coco discussed with you the setting of bar code scanner and how to achieve the best scanning effect and

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How to distinguish the barcode scanning module?

Most people know that the barcode scanning module can be divided into one-dimensional code module and two-dimensional code module. If there are many barcode scanning modules, you may find that its light source will be different. Therefore, in fact, the barcode scanning module can also be divided into laser module and red light module. Next, Guangzhou Yuanda will introduce the specific differences between laser and red light.

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Industrial barcode scanning, applying industrial scanner to explore the new future of "industry 4.0" 2022

Industrial barcode scanning, applying industrial scanner to explore the new future of "industry 4.0" 2022

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Two applications and selection of bar code scanning module

Two applications and selection of bar code scanning module

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