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2D barcode scan module to achieve library self scanning lending solution

In order to provide efficient information management service, the natural science stack room and social science stack room of a university library skillfully installed fixed 2D barcode scan module and Embedded Mobile 2D scanner in the book self-service management equipment, which seamlessly connected with the book archives data management system,

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Solution of introducing QR code scanning module into medical insurance electronic voucher termina

Nowadays, the medical insurance e-Voucher code scanning, medical insurance payment and other business scenarios opened by most hospitals will use the medical insurance e-Voucher terminal with two-dimensional code scanning function to improve the efficiency of medical treatment, which not only avoids the trouble of people carrying physical medical insurance card and cash, but also shortens the time of queuing payment. That is to say, when you go to the drugstore to buy medicine or go to the hospital to see a doctor, you can open the one person one code medical insurance electronic identity certificate, and complete the function of brushing the medical insurance two-dimensional code through the medical insurance electronic certificate terminal integrated with two-dimensional code scanning module through the serial port, so as to make the medical insurance business processing and payment more convenient and fast.

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Bluetooth barcode scanner function, wireless scanner introduction

Why is there such kind of Bluetooth wireless barcode scanner? We should be able to roughly judge their use scenarios from the wireless scanners with this type of structure.

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Working mode of wireless barcode scanner

Barcode scanner is a tool that must be used in many work, such as some express industry, sales industry, large department stores, supermarkets, shopping malls, all need to use barcode scanner to check the information of goods. The use of wireless barcode barcode scanner is not much different from wired barcode scanner, but we need to set the wireless barcode scanner before scanning. Let's introduce how to operate it!

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What does barcode payment scanner bring to o2o?

In the mobile Internet wave, Alipay and WeChat payment become a common way of payment when consumers shop. A variety of payment methods meet the psychological needs of consumers in pursuit of convenience and fashion, but reduce the overall efficiency of the traditional catering industry's back-end cashier, so that most catering enterprises can not make effective order planning or sorting, there is an urgent need for a simplified transaction process and integrated payment method to cope with the current trend of mobile storage.

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The special barcode scanning module is embedded in the self-service boarding equipment to make boarding more convenien

Have you ever had such an experience? I packed up my luggage and ran to the airport by all means, but I was still late. The plane took off without waiting for you. Do you feel desperate at this moment?

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