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Do you understand how RFID comes into WMS and works?

With the rapid rise of personalized market, there has been a change of "diversity and small amount" in warehousing logistics, which further improves the difficulty of goods management.

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Do you understand the role of backclip scanners in logistics, warehousing and distribution

The role of back clip scanner in logistics warehousing and distribution With the development of Internet of things information technology, based on the bar code scanning needed in logistics warehousing, bar code scanning gun has undoubtedly become one of the readable scanners. In order to speed up the distribution speed and management efficiency of logistics center, automatic identification technology has become an important development direction of automatic data acquisition and real-time transmission in warehousing logistics.

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Application advantages and recognition solutions of industrial barcode scanner

Application advantages and recognition solutions of industrial barcode scanner

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What is the difference between barcode scanning handheld terminal and smart phone?

On the surface, the difference between handheld terminals and mobile phones is not great, but from the perspective of application scenarios, mobile phones are mainly used by individual consumers for communication and entertainment, while handheld terminals tend to meet the business function applications of enterprise customers.

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Zhongze QR desktop scanner has been used in epidemic prevention and control in Xinjiang, Shanghai and Yunnan provinces of China It has been widely used

With the spread of COVID-19 around the world, China has adopted the strictest in history. In order to effectively track everyone's footprints, QR code is widely used Played an extremely important role, users as long as by scanning QR code

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Application and development of barcode technology in China

China article coding center joined the international article coding center in 1991, and the bar code work in China began to develop in an all-round way. "To promote industrialization with informatization, give priority to the development of information industry, and widely apply information technology in economic and social fields.".

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