WMS architecture

Tue Jul 19 10:28:20 CST 2022

WMS architecture

The logistics of an enterprise takes place in the whole supply chain. WMS is an advanced subsystem of the enterprise's architecture for handling enterprise logistics business. It has full scalability, can integrate with the interface of the existing system, and cooperate with other systems in the enterprise. The system architecture of the enterprise implementing the whole supply chain is shown in the figure below. All subsystems work together to help the enterprise supply chain operate efficiently.

Understand the role of WMS in the whole supply chain of the enterprise, and be able to better design and architecture the warehouse management system. WMS architecture is mainly embodied in physical architecture and software system architecture. Generally speaking, WMS adopts B / S structure, which can easily realize distributed online processing through the Internet. At the same time, combined with enterprise SCM module, WMS can easily communicate and cooperate with trading partners and trade unions to create more business opportunities.