Traffic police first promote "wechat move car" service, scan QR code to find car owner

Tue Jun 14 14:21:42 CST 2022

Traffic police first promote "wechat move car" service, scan QR code to find car owner

The car owners often encounter such a headache: they are in a hurry to go out, don't want their car to be blocked, and they don't leave any contact information, which is really annoying. The traffic police detachment of Dezhou City Public Security Bureau in Shandong province directly under a large team. In view of this situation, the "wechat car moving" convenient service is first promoted in Decheng district. When the public car is blocked, they can contact the owner of the other party at the first time, making car moving more convenient.

The "wechat move car" service is based on wechat and realized through the uniqueness of QR code. The owner pastes the exclusive two-dimensional code on the front windshield. If it is necessary to move the car, other drivers only need to scan the two-dimensional code to connect the owner's mobile phone through the automatic transfer system. The two sides can talk directly to discuss the matter of moving the car. Even if the car owner is unable to answer the phone for the time being, he will receive a wechat message to remind him to move the car.

According to the introduction, replacing the traditional car moving card with QR code car stickers can protect the privacy of car owners, prevent the leakage of personal information and the security problems arising therefrom, and QR code car moving can allow both parties to communicate directly, saving unnecessary trouble in the transfer process. The caller ID during the call is a virtual number, which can not only contact the car owners, but also protect their privacy. In addition, scanning QR code can be used nationwide, and the whole process can be realized through wechat without downloading other apps. If there is a need, citizens can get the QR code car stickers from the direct brigade, scan the QR code, fill in the license plate number and mobile phone number, and after binding, the car stickers will become their own exclusive.

"With the continuous growth of the number of motor vehicles, the problem of insufficient parking space and the lag of public parking construction has become increasingly prominent, and the difficulty of parking has become a growing worry of the city. Although we have stepped up efforts to rectify the situation, the phenomenon of disorderly stopping and releasing has been repeatedly prohibited, which has affected the normal production and life of the common people. " Dezhou police headquarters directly related to a team of people in charge of such a background, in this context, the brigade implements the "heart management and emotional service" concept, the use of "Internet plus" work ideas, launched this convenient service measures, will effectively alleviate the problem of car parking, hope that the people actively participate in the construction of a good city parking environment.

In addition, the traffic police remind, scan the code to inform the owner to move the car, the program background has detailed records, if there is malicious harassment, will be directly pulled into the blacklist.