Self service terminal equipped with barcode scanning module, intelligent and convenient parking

Mon Jun 13 17:49:56 CST 2022

Self service terminal equipped with barcode scanning module, intelligent and convenient parking

With the continuous improvement of living standards, the number of cars is increasing year by year, "parking difficulty" has become the most concerned topic of urban traffic development, and it is also the most worrying thing for every car owner to travel. Fortunately, we learned recently that a parking lot service center in Xi'an has introduced parking self-service payment machine to carry out the pilot of "unattended" parking payment. Car owners can pay by wechat 2D self-service payment, which will make it more convenient for car owners to park.

According to the person in charge of the parking lot, the parking self-service payment machine integrates various payment channels, such as cash payment, one card payment and bank card payment; It also integrates 2D identification technology and Internet of things technology to add 2D scanner to extend WeChat and Alipay payment functions to achieve fast payment of parking fees, and ease car park congestion caused by queuing and payment at rush hour. At present, it is only the pilot stage, and it will be promoted in various urban parking lots after the completion of the pilot.

The introduction of parking self service payment machine is a bold attempt of "Internet plus parking service", replacing traditional manual charging management. The use of parking self-service payment machine provides car owners with one-stop self-service of parking payment, and meets the diversified payment needs of car owners.

As the core of the parking self-service payment machine, the performance of 2D scanner has a direct impact on the car owner's experience. In order to promote the construction of "smart parking" in major cities and solve a series of thorny problems such as "parking difficulty", 2D scanning module is used to help public transport terminal manufacturers innovate and change, break through the limitations of products to seek industrial upgrading.

According to the introduction, the 2D scanning module has made special technical adjustment for mobile phone screen code reading, with strong performance, and can easily meet the demand of high-frequency scanning code payment. At present, the  fixed barcode scanner has been widely used, and with its excellent decoding performance has been recognized by many domestic and foreign self-service terminal manufacturers