How to setting scanner, wireless barcode scanner can not scan the barcode how to do?

Tue Jun 14 14:33:54 CST 2022

How to setting scanner, wireless barcode scanner can not scan the barcode how to do?

Many users in the use of wireless barcode scanner will encounter things that can't be recognized by the scanning gun. For the wireless barcode scanner, the bar code can't be scanned generally. In addition to the bar code that can't be recognized due to the failure of the scanning gun itself, in fact, it may also be caused by problems such as its own scanning environment or scanning angle. The editor summarizes several reasons for wireless scanning. The scanning gun can't scan the code

1 The identified bar code is not opened. For some special bar code scanning networks, the factory setting of wireless barcode scanner is turned off by default. Therefore, to recognize the bar code, you need to open the bar code type through the setting manual first.

2 The scanning distance is too far or too close, which is beyond the reading range of the scanning gun (the reading range of the red light scanning gun is about 2cm, and the scanning distance of the laser scanning gun should be between 6-25cm)

3 Strong direct sunlight, reflected light will also be very strong, making the photosensitive device into the saturation zone.

5 If the angle of the scanning gun is not well controlled, the vertical scanning is wrong Because the bar code surface will reflect light, the reflected light will shine on the mirror in the scanning gun window, which will interfere with the normal decoding of the bar code scanning gun. The correct scanning angle should be the angle between the scanning gun and the bar code.

6 The quality of bar code itself is fuzzy, such as incomplete blank area, low contrast between bar and space, inappropriate width ratio between bar and space, or fuzzy printing of bar code, incomplete bar code, etc.

7 The scanning gun and the receiving terminal are not matched properly. If they are not matched correctly, the wireless scanner scans the barcode, but because the data communication is not connected, the decoded data will be lost

Of course, the above reasons are only suitable for most users to find their own reasons, so that the problem can be solved from the root